Tomorrow Tuesday 28th, Viñedos de Aldeanueva S.Coop. begins the harvest with the White Tempranillo variety. It is carried out at night, when temperature is at its lowest, starting with the reception at the winery at 6 am. These grapes are processed at Fincas de Azabache, property of Viñedos de Aldeanueva, destined to the elaboration of Premium Wines.
This year in Aldeanueva de Ebro was characterised for being wet, where the work of the viticulturists has been crucial, proving once again their professionalism. The grapes, today, show a perfect state of health, being on normal dates for maturation far from the past vintage that was an extremely early one.
The level of ripeness in White Tempranillo is at its optimum in certain plots, that will be harvested selectively, with an alcoholic content that goes slightly over the 12 degrees, indicating a correct sugar content that together with an adequate acidity is ideal to obtain better levels of freshness and fruit in white wines.
The Red Tempranillo is at almost 100% of veraison, surpassing on 50% the Garnachas, and we estimate to begin with the harvest of red grapes in 10-15 days always depending on the evolution of the maturation process this next week in early production areas.
The climatology this past week has been perfect for an insuperable state of ripeness, with cool nights and good daytime temperatures.